My Life With Master: Formulae

When the Master issues a Command
Master (FEAR plus SELF-LOATHING) vs minion (LOVE minus WEARINESS)
Master wins: minion follows command until one roll completed
minion wins: resists command
   • If LOVE > FEAR + WEARINESS, the endgame is triggered
Making Overtures to Connections
minion (REASON minus SELF-LOATHING) vs connection (FEAR minus REASON)
minion wins: gain a point of LOVE
connection wins: minion gains a point of LOVE and a point of SELF-LOATHING
Violence against NPC opponents
minion (FEAR plus SELF-LOATHING) vs opponent (REASON plus WEARINESS)
minion wins: success, gain a point of SELF-LOATHING
   • If SELF-LOATHING > LOVE plus REASON, trigger "The Horror Revealed" instead
opponent wins: failure, minion gains a point of WEARINESS
   • if WEARINESS > REASON, the minion is captured
Villainy against NPC opponents
minion (FEAR plus SELF-LOATHING) vs opponent (REASON)
minion wins: success, gain a point of SELF-LOATHING
   • If SELF-LOATHING > LOVE plus REASON, trigger "The Horror Revealed" instead
opponent wins: failure
Violence or Villainy against a PC minion
minion (FEAR plus SELF-LOATHING) vs minion (FEAR plus SELF-LOATHING)
winning minion succeds and gains a point of SELF-LOATHING
   • If SELF-LOATHING > LOVE plus REASON, trigger "The Horror Revealed" instead
losing minion gains a point of WEARINESS if Violence, or simply fails otherwise
Providing Aid
Add (LOVE minus WEARINESS) to another minion's roll
Any results apply to the aiding minion as well