"Girard" Human Male born on the 5th of Azura (Sunsign: Nadai-Hirin cusp). Culture Feudal, Social Class Guilded. Sibling Rank 1st of 2 (2nd = younger brother, living) Bastard (unacknowledged); Average Estrangement Clanhead: Father or Mother Height 68", Light Frame, Weight 138# Average Comliness (9) Complexion: Medium, Hair Color: Brown, Eye Color: Gray ATTRIBUTES (Bonus points marked in brackets) Strength: 16-1 Intelligence: 13 [+4] Stamina: 11 Aura: 14 Dexterity: 11 Will: 14 Agility: 11+1 Morality: __ Eyesight: 15 Hearing: 11 Smell: 9 Voice: 9 [+5] Medical Traits: none, none, birthmark (three rolls) Psyche: Acrophobia (one roll) Unspent +9 to Attributes from medical/psyche rolls Heterosexual Deity: Ilvir, Piety 20 Parent Occupation: Woodcrafter Occupation: Priest of Ilvir Psionic Talent Generation: 3d6 roll=10 means 4 talent rolls Talents: Sensitivity, Prescience, Telepathy, Charm Skill Allocation Log: Family: Woodcraft/3, Metalcraft/1 Priest: Ritual: Ilvir/4, Rhetoric/4, Intrigue/4, Mental Conflict/4, Oratory/3, Folklore/3, Embalming/2, Physician/2, Law/2, Drawing/2, Heraldry/2, Language: Harnic/70+SB, Script: Lakise/70+SB, Language:Old Jarinese/SB3, Script:Khruni 70+SB Ilviran Priest: Animalcraft (Ivashu)/4, Drawing/3, Physician/3, Tarotry/2, Herblore/2, Ivashi/3 Option Points: Ritual +1=5, Rhetoric +1=5, Stealth +1=4, Bows Militia Bonus Skills: ----Physical---- Acrobatics [STR AGL AGL]+2= SB0 Climbing [STR DEX AGL]+0= SB4 Condition [STR STA WIL]+0= SB5 Jumping [STR AGL AGL]+2= SB4 Legerdemain [DEX DEX WIL]+0= SB0 Stealth [AGL HRG WIL]+2= SB3 Throwing [STR DEX EYE]+2= SB4 ----Communication---- Awareness [EYE HRG SML]+2=14 SB4 56 Intrigue [INT AUR WIL]+0=15 SB4 60 Mental Conflict [AUR WIL WIL]+0=14 SB4 56 Oratory [CML VOI INT]+0=13 SB3 39 Rhetoric [VOI INT WIL]+0=15 SB4 60 Ritual [VOI INT AUR]+0=15 SB4 60 ----Languages/Scripts---- Language: Old Jarinese [INT WIL WIL]+0=15 SB3 45 Language: Harnic [INT WIL WIL]+0=15 70+SB 85 Script: Likase [INT INT WIL]+0=16 70+SB 86 Script: Zerin [INT INT WIL]+0=16 70+SB 86 ? Ivashi ? [___ ___ ___]+?= SB3 ----Lore/Craft---- Animalcraft (Ivashu) [AGL VOI WIL]+0=13 SB4 52 Drawing [DEX EYE EYE]+0=14 SB3 42 Embalming [DEX EYE SML]+0=12 SB2 24 Folklore [VOI INT INT]+0=16 SB3 48 Heraldry [DEX EYE WIL]+0=13 SB2 26 Herblore [EYE SML INT]+0=14 SB2 28 Law (Ilviran) [VOI INT WIL]+0=15 SB2 30 Physician [DEX EYE INT]+0=14 SB3 42 Tarotry [INT AUR WIL]+1=16 SB2 32 ----Combat---- Initiative [AGL WIL WIL]+0=13 SB4 52 Unarmed Combat [STR DEX AGL]+0=13 SB4 52 Bows (shortbow) [STR DEX EYE]+1=15 SB0 0 Club (mace) [STR STR DEX]+0=14 SB0 0 Dagger (dagger) [DEX DEX EYE]+2=14 SB0 0 ----Psionics---- Charm [AUR AUR WIL]+1=15 SB1 15 Prescience [AUR AUR WIL]+0=14 SB1 14 Sensitivity [AUR AUR WIL]+0=14 SB1 14 Telepathy [AUR AUR WIL]+0=14 SB1 14 Thoughts: #2 (Girard) is a strong and sharp-eyed fellow, who is an unacknowledged bastard living with his mother who is the head of the clan or married to him. I'm not sure who his biological father is. He isn't particularly estranged, so even as a bastard he has little reason to leave home. But he has fairly high Piety, so I think his is a genuine calling. I picture that his mother is a Jarin, born here in Kaldor after his grandparents fled the Ivinian invasion fifty years ago. Thus he grew up in the faith of Ilvir. After getting knocked up, his mother regretted it and raised him strictly in the ways of her ancestral people and their faith. (Note: I should add 3d6 to his Piety if he was raised Ilviran from birth. I hadn't pre-decided that.)