Selections from Benjamin Grimmond's note files

D.C. (Diogenes Club)

Founded ca. 1800, original membership unknown; certainly included Sir Joseph Banks (president, Royal Society, d.1820) and Francis Barrett (author,_Magus, or Celestial Intelligencer_). Around 1850, membership included , Francis Hockley, Sir Richard Francis Burton. Hockley (1808-85) controlled occult affairs; he left the Club in around 1865 for reasons unknown. Burton left the Club at about the same time. There seems to have been some sort of upheaval in the early '60s, but its nature is unclear.

Hockley collaborated with the 4th Earl Stanhope and the astrologer John Varley (1788-1842), who had been a friend of Blake (1757-1827); 3d Earl Stanhope was also a close friend of the young Varley. [Some of these people formed?] Artists' group called "the Ancients" (1824-?), including also Samuel Palmer, Edward Calvert, George Richmond, Francis Oliver Finch, Frederick Tatham. With Blake, they did astrology & crystal-gazing. Blake apparently put together his Tarot at Varley's request.

It seems that Varley wanted the Tarot to be a 'key' for the Diogenes' occult operations, but the elderly Blake, realizing that the Diogenes represented the "chartered" forces of the establishment, got Palmer to disperse the cards.

Hockley seems to have devoted 1855-65 to trying to re-collect these cards for the Diogenes, having learned of them from (1) Varley and Stanhope, and (2) certain books purchased at the estate sale of Thomas Britton, a magician friend of Blake's. So far as I can tell, Hockley fought with Burton about this, ultimately leading to the collapse of the occult end of the Diogenes in the early '60s. Hockley seems to have devoted himself thereafter to Masonry, and probably became Chief of the Luxor Brethren until his death, thus explaining the presence of the 2 books in Hamilton's collection.

After all this confusion, it fell to Disraeli to put the Diogenes back together, which he did with the assistance of Mycroft Holmes. There is now no overlap between the 1860s Diogenes and the modern, although Holmes certainly knows more about it all than he's admitting.

Current membership is:
Mycroft Holmes -- Whitehall, nominal chief
Ariel Hawksquill -- Occult, Lords
Charles Davidson -- Financial, ?underworld
General Sir James Fosgood -- Military, colonial
Prof. Vladimir Borisovitch Karinov -- Russia and Asia
George Forrestal, Esq. -- Legal, continental

Information passed by me to Monro proved early on (1886) that there was a leak; certain criminal elements were able to act upon the information and the fact that I had it, and what is more did so extremely rapidly. I told this to Monro but he did not believe me. I could narrow the list to: Monro, the Home Sec'y, the P.M., and eventually the whole Diogenes. Because of the occultism end of things, I was inclined to suspect Hawksquill particularly.

By early 1889, I had collected details of several operations certainly blown or protected by the mole: the Phoenix Park affair; the 1882 railway dynamiting; the 1884 railway dynamiting plot; the 1886 robbery of the Irish Mail. [see also Fenians] Of these I could be certain. By tracking backwards through my Spec. Branch notes of 1884, I have been able to determine that Holmes was out of the country, and could not have received a telegram, nor could he have sent one. The recent discovery that Jules Grandin was murdered by poison [at the Paris Opera House], certainly by agents of Fu Manchu, enabled me to prove conclusively that, if Hawksquill were the mole, she was a singularly incompetent one, which seemed unlikely. Subsequent cross-checks against the Phoenix Park file assures me that she, too, is innocent. No others can yet be cleared.

As yet, I cannot ascertain the importance, or rather, the reason for it, of Dr. Dee's _De_automatis_ or Agrippa's _Fourth_Book_; now that Hawksquill is clear, she can see them and we can certainly solve this. The two Blake cards found in the 4th Book are even more confusing: I have some sense of The City, but The Beggar seems very odd.

I cannot determine any reason for the connection between the operations of Fu Manchu and those of the mole, unless the mole is Prof. Karinov. It is particularly bizarre that Dr. Manchu should be meddling in Irish and Anarchist bombings, but it is certain that he has done so. The clockwork devices used in the 1884 attempted bombings were certainly designed by Dr. Manchu, but it is unclear how he had them passed to the Fenian end-users.

The only connection I have uncovered through my infiltration is an underworld phrase, 'Apron Street.' This does not seem to refer to an actual place, but rather to a secret smuggling or passage route. Some East Enders call it 'Leather Alley,' but this may be a different reference entirely.

There is reason to suspect that some highly advanced Masons have been involved in covering the mole's tracks, almost certainly without knowing what they were really doing. This again diverts suspicion from Hawksquill, and probably from Karinov, who does not seem to be a Fellow of the Craft. It seems likely that Dr. W.W.Westcott's document-alterations are connected with such a cover-up, which suggests that the SRIA or GD are involved. I have some reason to think that it was a Masonic leak that caused the deaths of the Luxor Brethren leaders at the hands of Fu Manchu; this would tend to point suspicion towards the SRIA, of which Lord Melbury was a member, and possibly suggest that Westcott and Mathers are much deeper in this than I had previously believed. Another possible suspect would be the Earl of Lytton (son of the author, Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who died in 1873), ex-viceroy of India; his connection with Paris [he is ambassador to France] since 187 is suspicious, in light of the Grandin murder, and of course his father was a member of the SRIA and a close friend of Hockley; Earl Lytton is a Master Mason and nominal SRIA member, although he does not generally attend meetings; his father was of course a charter member and probable founder.

This might in fact tie the Luxor Brethren at last to the H[ermetic] B[rotherhood] of L[uxor], made public in 1884 but first appearing around 1875. cf. file, HB/L. The involvement of F.-Ch. Barlet and Stanislaus de Guaita would tend to strengthen the connection, as both are involved with expanding Roman domination by magic, which ties them to the Irish situation. It seems probable that Hamilton et al. had discovered the Irish and French underside of their organization, and were moving to stop it while investigating its extent (and Hawksmoor's actual intentions). Information on this came to the attention of SRIA and/or HB/L members, and thus to the mole, who arranged with Fu Manchu to have them killed.

Tarot of William Blake:

The Trumps seem to be:

        I       The Magus
        II      The White Lady
        III     The Queen
        IV      The Prime Minister
        V       The Archbishop
        VI      The Lovers
        VII     The Eye
        VIII    Justice
        IX      The Hermit
        X       The Wheel
        XI      The Pit
        XII     The Golem
        XIII    The Black King
        XIV     The Red Man
        XV      The Beast
        XVI     The Church
        XVII    The Shadows
        XVIII   The Long Night
        XIX     Dawn
        XX      The Arisen
        0       The Beggar
        XXI     The City