Dr. Aaron Maxwell, Jungle Doctor

Characteristics        Skills                   Disadvantages
---------------        --------                 -------------
11 Str    3 PD         +3 to Vision             Shaken by close violence  15
20 Dex    3 ED         Paramedic(16-)           Shy and introverted       20
13 Con    4 SPD        PS: Surgery(12-)         Honorable                 15
 9 Body   5 REC        KS: General Med(14-)     ....
16 Int   30 END        Mimicry(12-)
13 Ego   22 STUN       Lang: French, Indonesian, 
10 Pre    7 CV           Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese
14 Com    3''/ph Run   WF: Small-arms
          1''/ph Swim  +3 Lvls with pistols
                       +3 General Range Levels
Attacks OCV RMod Lvls DCV Damage/Notes
S&W M10 revolver +1 +3 3 +0 1d6+1K [6 shots]
Target Pistol +1 +4 3 +0 2d6-1K [1 shot]
Strike - - - +0 2d6+1 strike