CONJURATION A conjuror has a base skill, called Imagination. But in order to control what he gets, he must restrict his imagination to the class of things which he wants. But restricting his results increases the difficulty of imagi- ning. Another skil, called 'Limiting' or something, defines the maximum diffi- culty which one can try for. This is rather difficult for the GM to arbitrate, since he must come up with random variations in the results - which requires alot of imagination @-). There is really no table which you can write up to do this (since, by definition, new creations are things which have never existed before). At any rate, after being imagined, a Conjuration is rated on how well it fits in with its environment. Those which are physically impossible have low 'rank', while those which are very close to real beings have high rank. This determines how long they will last, which is done as a series of rolls to destroy it - with some cumulative modifiers. If its rank is high enough, it will become permanent. Remember, though that high rank means you have to specify alot about the Conjuration, which make it very difficult to imagine in the first place. There is a Control skill which allows you to maintain and control conjurations, your own or others.