Gadura, the Malaysian Mammoth

Characteristics        Skills                   Disadvantages
---------------        --------                 -------------
23 Str    7 PD         Ambidexterity            
11 Dex    7 ED         Defense Maneuver         
17 Con    4 SPD        Climbing(12-)
15 Body   8 REC        Deduction(11-)
18 Int   24 END        Conversation(12-)
12 Ego   35 STUN       Streetwise(12-)
16 Pre    4 CV         Lang: English(1)
15 Com    3''/ph Run   MA: Pentjak Silat (see below)
          0''/ph Swim  3 Lvls with MA
Attacks OCV RMod Lvls DCV Damage/Notes
Luger P-08 pistol +1 +0 - +0 1d6+1K [8 shots]
Block +2 - 3 +2 block,abort
Punch +2 - 3 +0 6d6+1 strike
Kris stab-punch +2 - 3 +0 3d6K, +1STUNx stab
Takedown +1 - 3 +1 4d6+1 strike, target falls
Knee Strike +0 - 3 +2 6d6+1 strike