Captain Roger Munroe

Characteristics        Skills                   Disadvantages
---------------        --------                 -------------
18 Str    5 PD         Tactics(16-)             Mildly near-sighted     10
17 Dex    5 ED         Stealth(15-)               (x2 Range Mods)
18 Con    4 SPD        TF: Planes               Patriotic to the U.S.   10
11 Body   8 REC        Combat Pilot(14-)        Proud, unwilling to     15
10 Int   30 END        Breakfall(12-)             admit flaws
13 Ego   30 STUN       Weaponsmith(11-)         Reputation (8-)          5
20 Pre    6 CV         WF: Small-arms, Blades   Hunted: Col. Yang(11-)  15
15 Com    3''/ph Run   +2 Lvl w/ rifles         
          1''/ph Swim  MA: Dirty Infighting
                       +2 Lvls w/ HTH
Attacks OCV RMod Lvls DCV Damage/Notes
Luger P-08 +1 +0 - +0 1d6+1K [8 shots]
M-1 Garand +2 +2 2 +0 2d6+1K, +1 STUNx [8 shots]
*Kidney Blow -2 - 2 +0 1d6+1K strike
*Choke Hold -2 - 2 +0 2d6 NND
*Roundhouse -2 - 2 +0 7d6+1 strike
Machete +0 - 2 +0 2d6K